Thanks to Renee B., she sent us this useful tip for dry and/or cracked heels and elbows! You have some Crisco sitting around in your cabinets?! Put it to good use! At night time rub some Crisco on your feet and massage into your heels and throw on a old pair of socks and over night this will help soften the skin and moisturize it!
Not only does this really do the job, but it's easier on your wallet as well compared to all those expensive creams in the market out there! Give it a try and comment here letting us know what you think! Our love affair with over-sized and dramatic jewelry pieces continues as new designs in statement jewelry continually make their appearance. Whether your choice runs to fussy, sparkling designs or sleeker silver jewelery, knowing how to wear them and what kind of clothes to team them with is key to carrying off the bold and beautiful look of today. Get it right and you'll look stunning, but mix it up too much and the effect will be confusing, cluttered and overwhelming. Make the Right Statement Statement jewelery is big, bold and dramatic. As its name suggests, it makes a statement. The trick is to get it to make the right statement for you. Whilst the item of jewelery that you choose will catch the eye and demand attention, you don't want it to be the only thing about you that gets noticed. Make your statement jewelery send the right message by taking care with colors and styles, not wearing more than one piece at a time and keeping the rest of your styling, including makeup and clothes, relatively simple. _Try not to mix too many colors in either jewelery or clothes and if you do break the rules slightly and wear more than one statement piece, make sure they complement each other. For instance, choose items of the same color metal and if one item has stones or crystals, restrict the other to plain metal or silver costume jewelery. Statement jewelery pieces like to be the star of the show, so if you put too many on the stage at the same time, you'll get some personality clashes. _ Go For Opposites in the Casual Look If your statement jewelery is multicolored, try to restrict the colors of your clothes to either neutrals or just one of the colors in the jewelery. For instance, block colors work better with large, colored jewelery pieces than patterns. _ The jewelery itself attracts attention, so avoid overshadowing it with bold prints or patterned fabrics. Jewelery with a splash of color, either in the stones or in the colors of metal used in its creation, looks good when it's reflected in the colors being worn, but takes care not to overdo it. Less is More Because statement jewelery becomes the focal point of any outfit, you should wear each piece individually. Choose just one item to go with your outfit, whether it's a dramatic necklace, a wide cuff bracelet or a pair of chandelier earrings. Wearing more than one bold item of jewelery makes you look over-accessorized and can give you the appearance of a fashion victim. If you don't feel your outfit is complete with only one item of jewelery, try not to wear statement pieces too close to each other. For instance, avoid showy earrings with a dramatic necklace. Instead, wear the earrings with a matching cuff bracelet, or choose a necklace that's more demur. For Evening Wear Team simple cocktail dresses with bold statement jewelery for a look of chic sophistication. Plain colors work equally well here, as you can accent clean-cut necklines with showy, multifaceted necklaces. Allow the contrast between the unfussy lines of your outfit and the dazzling style of your jewelery to be part of the statement. _ Worn with care and thought, statement jewelery can draw out your personality and even change your behavior. The right jewelery accent gives you confidence and quiet confidence is always attractive.
You should always pay attention to how long you have had your makeup and get rid of it when it's past its prime! It can cause pimples and skin conditions! Below is a list of products and dates after opening of when it should be tossed away! (Bobbi Brown: Makeup Manual)
![]() I love when my nails are done at a salon with acrylics because the nail polish NEVER chips off. When doing them at my house on the other hand, it seems to never stay one without chipping, even for a day. So what are some tips and tricks I learned to help the polish last longer on your nails?!
1. Make sure your nail bed is completely clean of oils by rubbing them with some nail polish remover before doing anything. 2. Apply a base coat that will prevent the polish from staining your nails and give the polish something to grip onto. 3. When applying the polish do it in THIN layers as opposed to thick layers. Thick layers tend to peel off easier and quicker. 4. If you have longer nails, make sure when getting to the tip of your nail to bring the color under the nail a bit, this prevents easy chipping. 5. Apply a top clear coat and reapply every other day to keep that protective barrier! (I like Seche Vite's top coat) 6. Once the polish is dry stick your fingers in ice water to solidify the polish and apply lotion to give your nails a slippery feel which can help the staying power of your polish! Hopefully now, painting your nails won't be such a hassle and won't have to be redone more than you'd like to do them! -Dianna Okay, I know you're going to see the title and think I'm crazy... But seriously, you CAN SPLURGE even on a budget. Do you ever wonder how I am able to "Haul" so much? Because I am smart on how and where I spend my money. Who? What? When? Where? How? I'll tell you! These are some of my favorite ways to get what I want and not break the bank. 1- Ebates Ebates is a great free website that gives you money back just for buying the things you already would buy online. There are over 1,200 online stores who participate. Just for signing up, you get a free $5 credit. If nothing else, sign up to receive $5. Quarterly (four times a year) they mail you a "Big Fat Check" or simply credit your Paypal account. Or, if you are feeling extra gregarious they will donate 100% of your savings to your choice of charity. You can even get cash back on your travel, airline, Ebay, HSN, or Groupon purchases through Ebates!!! THAT'S SAVINGS ON TOP OF SAVINGS!!! Are you or do you know a college student? SAVE MONEY ON YOUR TEXTBOOKS through Ebates. Link to your favorite online retailers through the Ebates website when you do your online shopping, and receive a percentage of your purchase CASH BACK! CLICK HERE TO SIGN UP AND START EARNING % OF WHAT YOU ALREADY SPEND PLUS A $5 BONUS 2- Hautelook When your style is haute couture and your budget is strip mall, you're going to need a way to cope. Hautelook has new sale events daily featuring your favorite high end brands for women, beauty, home, kids, men, and travel at up to 75% off. (sometimes even more) "Each day at 8 AM Pacific, shop new sale events featuring the best names in women's and men's fashion and accessories, beauty, kids' apparel and toys, home décor, and travel getaways at up to 75% off. Membership is free and everyone is welcome! " On Sunday nights they have super blowout sales that are soooo amazing. Click here to sign up so you always know whats on sale. 3- Ebay Ebay? YES!!! Ebay is one of my most shopped from sites. I browse Ebay daily, because it is constantly changing. BUY VINTAGE? Look on Ebay for great deals on vintage and pre-owned clothes and shoes. ***SUPER SAVER TIP*** I buy mostly from wholesale and "free shipping" companies located in Asia. I get things for pennies on the dollar. Of course this will not work if you are one of those people who only buy products produced in America. But I don't want to deal with all that bidding!!! Okay, then don't! When you search something, click "Buy it Now" and from "Lowest to Highest" Be sure to check out my Ebay account where I will randomly sell things from time to time. CLICK HERE 4- Etsy Love one of a kind pieces, but don't have three million dollars laying around? PROBLEM SOLVED! Visit Etsy, a site that I LOVE. Etsy is a marketplace of handmade awesomeness. It is filled with so many hand made awesome, personalized, super cool, vintage, new wave, pop culture, indie, fantastic things. It will blow your mind. Visit my Etsy page for one of a kind handmade jewelry, and accessories at very very very very affordable prices. CLICK HERE TO SEE 5- Online Coupon Codes I don't ever online shop without one!!! Usually companies will advertise their current promotional codes on their home pages. If you don't see one you like, below is a list of coupon websites I enjoy using. http://www.retailmenot.com/ http://www.couponcabin.com/?fromKey=online+coupon+codes&gclid=CI_a9JLJvK0CFUTc4AodYkxT_A&s_cid=100968 http://www.currentcodes.com/ 6-Discount Stores Whether you're looking for new or used, I'm sure there are many discount stores in your area. Some of my favorite discount stores- Marshalls, HomeGoods, Filene's Basement, T.J. Maxx, Ross, Big Lots etc... Dont over look your local thrift shops, Buffalo Exchanges, and Salvation Army. i find some of my favorite things in these kinds of stores. Your really going to feel great about your shopping when you buy from clearance sections of discount stores. 7- Couponing Although I do not coupon, I know Dianna has dabbled in it a little. COUPONING IS THE NEWEST TREND!!! And although I have not jumped on the band wagon, I know someone who is practically pulling it! Meet Kathy Spencer! Kathy is the mother of an old friend of mine. She has truly mastered the art of couponing. Not only has she mastered it, but she even wrote a book on it.
Kathy's book "How to Shop for Free" is available through her website, Amazon, Borders, Barnes & Noble, and independent bookstores. Along with the book, Kathy also teaches couponing classes, and runs a couponing website. "Like" her on Facebook HERE! CLICK HERE TO SEE HOW SHE DOES IT Who likes the site of red bumpy skin after shaving your legs, armpits, face, etc.? I hateee it, especially if I'm in a rush and just use water and not shaving cream. It happens to all of us, so why not at least have something in your bathroom closet that can help avoid these kind of rashes.
Apply natural Aloe Vera gel all over your your waxed, shaved or tweezed skin to prevent those unsightly bumps and redness from showing! This also is also great for when you need to apply makeup as well after getting your brows don Now I'm sure you all know or have seen all those oil treatments and bottles of oil specifically for your hair to help with split ends or make your hair glisten and shine. Ya they work...but also can be expensive!
Here is a little quick inexpensive way to get the same effect while at home! Yo only need some olive oil and a shower cap! What you want to do is generously saturate the ENDS of your hair with olive oil and set a timer for about 10 minutes. Then put on that stylish shower cap of yours and jump in a hot shower and the steam will help open up your hair follicles and absorb that oil better for a deep conditioning and add shine to your hair! Usually people have disposable mascara wands if they do other peoples makeup for sanitary reasons. But here is a little tip that can help if you find your mascara wand is getting yucky and clumping.
Use these instead of the brush it came with (when it starts getting old) because it is brand new and won't have dried up clumps on the bristles, making for a clean application! Also, another quick tip if you want to continue using the brush it comes with, clean your brush before each use with a baby wipe to help for ease of application and less mess! |
Tips and Tricks
Secret tips and tricks just for you ;) Archives
December 2012